Not surprisingly, your ticket to Pandora might be redeemed a little later than expected. Producer Jon Landau was recently in London screening footage from James Cameron‘s upcoming Titanic 3D and said that Avatar 2 is four years away. Originally, the sequel was annoucned to be released in December 2014 with the third film December 2015, both of which are less than four years away. Does that mean Cameron’s films have officially been delayed? Maybe. Or maybe not. Read more after the jump.
Bleeding Cool was in attendance when Landau said this and first reported the quote. We’ve contacted 20th Century Fox for comment but have yet to hear back.
There are several ways to look at this news. The most obvious is the literal one, that Avatar 2 won’t be out until 2016, four years from now. However, Landau could have also meant 2015 because, if it was released in December 2015, it would still be in theaters January 2016 which is “four years away” from right now. Either way, if that’s the case, it wouldn’t be the first time. Cameron has never been one to hold fast to a release date. Titanic was famously delayed a bunch of times and the last thing he would ever do is rush something out before it was ready and good enough.
Then again, in the heat of the moment, Landau could have simply misspoken. We’ve just begun 2012 and I know it took me several months to get used to being in 2011. Maybe it was just a slip of the tounge or a simple math problem.
Whenever Avatar 2 does come out, though, that’ll be the one to pace the third film as Cameron has stated he’ll shoot both films back to back. Last we heard, he was still writing them and several of the main actors – like Sam Worthington – were just getting around to meeting with the director to discuss specifics.
For more on what to expect in Avatar 2, check out some of our earlier coverage.
Do you think Cameron’s film will be delayed?
Source -slashfilm
Bleeding Cool was in attendance when Landau said this and first reported the quote. We’ve contacted 20th Century Fox for comment but have yet to hear back.
There are several ways to look at this news. The most obvious is the literal one, that Avatar 2 won’t be out until 2016, four years from now. However, Landau could have also meant 2015 because, if it was released in December 2015, it would still be in theaters January 2016 which is “four years away” from right now. Either way, if that’s the case, it wouldn’t be the first time. Cameron has never been one to hold fast to a release date. Titanic was famously delayed a bunch of times and the last thing he would ever do is rush something out before it was ready and good enough.
Then again, in the heat of the moment, Landau could have simply misspoken. We’ve just begun 2012 and I know it took me several months to get used to being in 2011. Maybe it was just a slip of the tounge or a simple math problem.
Whenever Avatar 2 does come out, though, that’ll be the one to pace the third film as Cameron has stated he’ll shoot both films back to back. Last we heard, he was still writing them and several of the main actors – like Sam Worthington – were just getting around to meeting with the director to discuss specifics.
For more on what to expect in Avatar 2, check out some of our earlier coverage.
Do you think Cameron’s film will be delayed?
Source -slashfilm
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